News and update information from the creator of the MangoVerde website.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Latest Dragonfly Update
4 species added, 81 new photos added
New photos have been added for the following species: - Celithemis amanda (Amanda's Pennant) [*] - Progomphus obscurus (Common Sanddragon) [*] - Enallagma doubledayi (Atlantic Bluet) [*] - Lestes forficula (Rainpool Spreadwing) [*] - Coryphaeschna viriditas (Mangrove Darner) - Micrathyria dissocians (Caribbean Dasher) - Hagenius brevistylus (Dragonhunter) - Dromogomphus spoliatus (Flag-tailed Spinyleg) - Stylogomphus albistylus (Eastern Least Clubtail) - Erpetogomphus designatus (Eastern Ringtail) - Arigomphus pallidus (Gray-green Clubtail) - Gomphus exilis (Lancet Clubtail) - Gomphus lividus (Ashy Clubtail) - Gomphus fraternus (Midland Clubtail) - Erythrodiplax umbrata (Band-winged Dragonlet) - Erythrodiplax minuscula (Little Blue Dragonlet) - Epitheca cynosura (Common Baskettail) - Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald) - Anax junius (Common Green Darner) - Erythemis simplicicollis (Common Pondhawk) - Leucorrhinia intacta (Dot-tailed Whiteface) - Libellula needhami (Needham's Skimmer) - Celithemis elisa (Calico Pennant) - Libellula quadrimaculata (Four-spotted Skimmer) - Libellula vibrans (Great Blue Skimmer) - Leucorrhinia frigida (Frosted Whiteface) - Enallagma aspersum (Azure Bluet) - Argia tibialis (Blue-tipped Dancer) - Ischnura hastata (Citrine Forktail) - Ischnura posita (Fragile Forktail) - Enallagma basidens (Double-striped Bluet) - Ischnura verticalis (Eastern Forktail) - Calopteryx maculata (Ebony Jewelwing)

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